Summer Snacks...Healthy Girl Style

It is SO easy to snack during the summer when you are busy or running around and somehow regular meals don't seem to be the norm. Especially with traveling it's been hard to stay healthy! Now that I am in Chapin with my Aunt Kim, we have our favorite summer foods and drinks. I can't help but share!

Iced Coffee

This is more of a necessity than anything else. I LOVE iced coffee anytime of the year, but especially in the summer! I always brew a cup of coffee the night before, so that when I wake up in the morning it is nice and cold. If you haven't tried iced coffee for the summers, I suggest it asap! Starbucks also has a new coffee out called the "Kati Kati". I joked that they named it after me, but it is delicious. I try not to go to Starbucks often, but when I was in Madison we were given $5 gift cards, so I was able to try this delicious new blend!


Not only are blueberries great for you, but they are yummy in so many ways! There is a local blueberry farm here in Chapin and I kid you not...these are some of the best blueberries I've ever eaten. The place is called, "Southern Blues" and they sell their blueberries started at the beginning of June and they usually run out mid-July. They just ran out last week, so this was our last batch :( Once you've had them no other blueberries can live up to them. There are also so many ways that I like to eat them like:

Vanilla Yogurt & Blueberries

Vanilla Icecream or Frozen Coolwhip & Blueberries

By themselves of course!

Ants on a Log

Last summer I introduced my cousin to what I like to call, "Ants on a Log". When I first showed Mary what it was, she thought I was crazy! Basically, you just take celery and add peanut butter and then raisins. It is the perfect afternoon snack and the PB is a good source of protein to keep you full.

Chicken Salad

Last summer, my Aunt Kim taught me how to make the best chicken salad ever. There's really not much to it, but it is so easy, tasty, and you can make a big batch of it and eat it throughout the week. First, you just need to buy chicken breasts from the grocery. Boil the chicken breasts until they are fully cooked (nobody likes raw chicken, bawk bawk!) Once they are done cooking, you'll need to let them cool for a while. After cooling, it's time to pull some chicken! Basically you just tear off little strips of chicken and put it into a big bowl. This is the most time consuming and tedious part of the entire process, but what makes it so fresh and yummy. Once the chicken is pulled, add mayonnaise (I prefer the olive-oil version), celery, and Lowry's flavored salt seasoning. The Lowry's is what makes it. And ta-da you are done! Perfect for work lunches or a summer snack.


You know how they serve edamame as an appetizer at a lot of sushi restaurants? Well why only enjoy it there! It is pretty low cal (not quite like celery, so don't go too crazy) and super easy to make. You can buy a frozen bag of edamame from the grocery, and we just dump the bag out in a big bowl, add saran wrap to the top and then microwave for 3-5 minutes and you're done! Add some sea salt and you've got the perfect afternoon snack.

 Of course all fruits & veggies are delicious in the summertime, but these are just some of my favorites. Hopefully y'all enjoy! :)

Southern Saving Grace


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