My Birthday Boys


So today is my Dad and my Grandfather's birthday, how funny right?! They were both born today, My Aunt Nancy is on the 19th, and I am on the 29th. July is just full of Nowell birthday's! I thought it would be cute to tell you a couple of reasons why I love my Dad:

1. He makes the best breakfast

I know that sounds really dumb, but I'm not even kidding y'all. My Dad is seriously the best breakfast cook you've ever met. We made him a Smilebox slideshow to send him and I swear we had at least 6 pictures of him cooking breakfast because he is a pro! His specialties are homemade biscuits with country ham, Eggs Benedict, Omelettes, and Pancakes. When I was in high school in Italy, after Homecoming and other school events we would have a bunch of kids sleep over and he would always make huge breakfasts for all of us and he became famous for them! We also have a birthday tradition of doing breakfast in bed, so we are bummed he's not here with us to spoil him in that way!
Order Up!

2. He would do anything for family

My Dad is a big family man, and we love that about him. All of his Navy friends joked that his hobbies were his family. Maybe partly because he also works so much that he doesn't have that much time for other hobbies, but we love having him to ourselves! We love to go biking and running as a family and of course love the beach and boating activities. We had rules/traditions growing up that always facilitated family time and I think kept us all close. We weren't allowed to have TV's in our room, so we would all watch as a family and we always had dinner each night as a family. My Dad would also periodically take me on Father/Daughter dates to the theatre to see a Ballet or Musical and then we would go get a sundae at Perkin's...I loved those dates! Of course he would take the boys to do more manly things like camping, skeet shooting, or golfing.

3. He loves my Momma

My parents have an awesome relationship! They are definitely one for the books. I just admire how much they still love and respect each other. They have been through so much together (18 moves, Stephen breaking his neck, 27 years of marriage) and they just thrive. They always made decisions as a unit when we were growing and set an example for us of what a happy & healthy marriage looks like. It is hard to be a Navy wife, and my Dad appreciates all that my Mom has done to help him have a successful career in the military. 
They are adorable!

4. He is a Hambone!

My Dad is hilarious!! Anyone who knows him knows what I am talking about. He somehow finds a way to make a joke out of everything. Needless to say we have a lot of laughs at our house. The boys definitely got my Dad's sense of humor, so they are always making all of us crack up. 
Isn't he hilarious?!

The line of Military Men:
So, as I said before it is also Big John's birthday. Big John is the first John Nowell of the family, and then my Dad is John Jr. and Johnny is the third. This is my Dad getting dropped off at the Naval Academy many moons ago with Big John & Granny. Below is little Johnny with Big John. Big John didn't go to the Naval Academy, he actually went to Princeton, but he served in the Army for a few years, so all the Nowell men have served in our Nation's military!

 Since we aren't able to be with my Dad on his birthday, we have the next best thing! We are at Granny & Big John's to celebrate with Big John. The boys are playing golf today, and I have been doing some work and then Mom, Granny, & I are going to an art museum. My grandparents live up in the mountains of Virginia, so it is always relaxing to come and see them for a few days!

 We are loving this family time :)

Southern Saving Grace


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