Hey Sister, Sister

Next stop on the Nowell vagabond roadtrip...Chapin, South Carolina! My Dad's brother and his family live on Lake Murray in Chapin, SC. We always LOVE visiting them because it is so much fun, and of course they are great company too! Uncle Mac and Aunt Kim have three girls, Emily (13), Mary (10), and Sarah (7). I actually lived with them last summer when I was doing an internship at a hospital here in Columbia. It was like having three little sisters for the whole summer. I love being the only girl, but I always wished I had a little sister to play with. Well now I basically have three! After living with the girls all summer it was such a tease...they really became like little sisters to me. Thankfully, I'll be in Clemson in the Fall, so I won't be too far to visit occasionally on weekends.

Mom and I are in Chapin for the next 10 days and I could not be happier! Of course I will be working in the mornings and during the day, but in the afternoon I will spend some time with the girls. When we got here today we headed to Mama & Dack's (Kim's parents) to pick up Mary and Sarah who had spent the night there. We relaxed a little bit and ate dinner and then I took the girls out tubing on the jet ski. They love to tell me I'm a "Loooossseeerrrr!" and give me motivation to send them flying off the tube ;-)

Anywho, our family is big into family reunions and we have lots of other girl and boy cousins on my Dad's side so we are constantly seeing each other. Here are some of our events over the past year:

 The girls came up to Harrisonburg for my graduation in December. We played cornhole outside until it got dark and chilly and the girls borrowed a few sweatshirts. They are my mini-future Zeta's!

 Here we are at Emily's birthday dinner. I came down to go to a Clemson Football Game with my cousin and future roomie for next year, Carrie and then went to Chapin to have dinner with Em!

 Justin Beiber Concert!! I think that can speak for itself ;-)

 At Thanksgiving, we were up at our other cousins mountain house in Boone, NC. Our other cousins weren't able to make it out, but the 5 of us were able to go ziplining -- such a blast!

 Last summer, the neighbors had a litter of puppies that they were selling. We got to play with all of them until they all got adopted. They were adorable!

We typically try to get the entire family down to the lake at least once all summer. This is just me and my brothers and the girls, but we have several other cousins who weren't there...you can never seem to get everyone in one place :)

Needless to say, I am so excited to be spending a good chunk of time down here in Chapin. It'll be hard to stay focused on work with the girls running around and jumping on me (which happens quite literally every 15 minutes), but it's just nice being with my baby sisters. Stay tuned for updates of fun things we do this week!

Southern Saving Grace


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