Who's that Girl.....It's Katie!

So, you may or may not recognize my title from the recently popularized show, New Girl. I don't really watch regular tv, but New Girl has just been added to Netflix and it is hilarious!! Zoey Deschanel stars as Jess, who is a teacher, living with 3 boys. The show is all about the dynamics of the four of them and most of the time about the ridiculous things that are happening to Jess or funny situations she gets herself into. She is kind of quirky, randomly bursts into song, and will make you laugh throughout the entire show. The humor is slightly inappropriate, but you can't help but think it's all funny (or at least I do). So why am I telling you about New Girl? Becuase I am totally Jess.

Currently in Virginia Beach, I've been working on Ministry Partnership Development each morning and then in the afternoons I've gone to do fun things with my mom and Stephen, or friends in the area. Our family friend, the Cades, are so gracious to let us stay in their home and I've been staying in my best friend Christy's room while she's in California visiting her fiance. So I've gotten into the routine of watching an episode of New Girl each night before bed. I wouldn't necessarily say I look or talk like Jess, but we both tend to find ourselves in funny or awkward situations, so here are mine as of late...

1. Marilyn Monroe Moment

While I was in Madison for my InterVarsity training, we were able to go out in town for lunch each day. The first day we went, I was wearing the blue striped dress that I wore for the 4th of July that you can see in my Puppies Post. I went to lunch with two guys from my small group and we had a great time! This was the first day, so we were just spending time getting to know each other and hang out. After lunch, we decided to walk down to the lake to check out the view. While we were walking we walked over a man-hole covering and my entire dress flew up in the air over my head. Please picture this sight ;-) Thankfully it didn't get stuck on my head, but I definitely gave the two boys as well as fellow onlookers a good show. I was mortified. But....being me I just started cracking up. I couldn't stop laughing because that was the only thing that made the situation less awkward. The boys started laughing too, and I think they might have been more embarrassed than me! I'm not sure how Marilyn was able to do that scene with such poise and grace.

2. Checking My Phone

Do you ever have those moments where you wonder what the heck you were thinking? Like, am I really that much of a dingbat? Maybe not, unless you're me. In coming from Wisconsin to Kentucky I had SO much stuff. Anyone that was at the airport with me can vouch for that. It was pretty embarrassing, but I had so many random things in Tennessee that added to my original luggage. So, in the midst of shoving things in my bag to check before I went through security I checked my phone. Not checked as in "Hmm, what time is it?"...Checked as in, checked in  my luggage that is gone and headed to my final destination. Cue my freak out moment where I wonder how my cousin will find me at the airport, what if my plane is delayed, what if no one comes to pick me up? Until I realized that people did survive for many many years before cellphones, Katie. It was a quick and easy fix of borrowing a phone from someone on my plane and calling my momma to explain. Luckily when I got off the plane, my cousin John Kelly was waiting for me, so it was a crisis averted! It did make me realize how helpless you can feel without a phone though!

3. Water Country Mishap

Anyone from the Virginia Beach/Williamsburg area knows about Water Country. It is a water park that is also owned by Busch Gardens. My mom took myself, Stephen, and our family friends, Caroline and Mark there on Wednesday. We had so much fun jamming out in the car on the way there and then riding the water park rides. There was one ride called the "Vanish Point". You would get into what looked like a time capsule and then the floor would drop out. It was as scary as it sounds, believe me. So the floor dropped out and you free fall for a few seconds and then the tube turns into a normal slide. When you got in the capsule they had you cross your legs and arms inside. So, I got in, did what I was supposed to and we were off. 

The floor dropped out like normal and tons of water came rushing into my face. I was in shock as to what was going on, and what I didn't realize was that I completely turned over in the tube. So instead of sliding down on my back I was on my stomach. Still not terrible except for the fact that I had the biggest wedgie I've ever had in my life and when I popped out of the tube that was the first thing everyone could see...go ahead and laugh ;-) 

Anyways, I managed to flip over pretty quickly and fix everything and got up to walk out. A few minutes later, Caroline goes, "Umm Katie, you're arm is bloody". Well I'll be. I guess when you ride down on your stomach your elbows scrape the inside of the tubes and give you cuts! Whoops. It actually didn't hurt at all, but we were in line for another ride so I had to awkwardly stand in line with an arm covered in blood before I could wash it off. No pain no game baby!

4. Chubby

Any of my close friends or family know who Chubby is. I don't know how it got started, but it's a Nowell family thing. Basically what I do is squeeze my cheeks together and then start talking pretending that I am "Chubby". We do this little re-enactment where Chubby is riding in the car with his Dad and tells him, "Daddy go faster!" and it goes on and on, until the car goes so fast that Chubby yells, "Woah Daddy, slow down" and at this point you pull your cheeks back like the wind has blown them so hard.

So, I went out to dinner with some of the mom's from our old neighborhood on Bay Island in Virginia Beach. We took the bus down to the Oceanfront to go to dinner. On the way home we were waiting for the bus, and Christy's mom was begging me to do Chubby. At first I was hesitant since we were sitting on the sidewalk and people kept walking by. But I thought, Eh why not? So, I start doing Chubby and people start giving me the weirdest looks. In my moment of thinking I was sooo funny I started talking to people walking by and just saying ridiculous things. You can't not laugh at a girl who's got her cheeks squeezed and talking like a chubby boy, I mean come on. I had all the moms rolling on the ground laughing, so it's safe to say Chubby was a hit! Here is me with all the mommas:

I somehow always manage to find myself in funny or ridiculous situations, but they always make for good stories! 
Southern Saving Grace


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