Fish out of Water

Growing up the daughter of a Navy sailor you can imagine how much our family loves the water. My parents have always loved the beach, sailing, boating, swimming, anything water related and I think all of the kids were born with that love as well! As you can imagine most Navy jobs are near bodies of water...which is why when we lived in Memphis people were always confused. Unfortunately our military men have desk jobs too. 

Anywho, I grew up going to upstate New York every summer and going boating and hiking on Lake George. I learned how to water ski on the lake when I was probably 6 or 7 and have been a lover of lake sports ever since. When we lived in Virginia Beach when I was in middle school we had a dock and boat in our yard, so we were able to go tubing, water skiing, and wakeboarding all the time. After moving away from Virginia Beach though, we haven't really done as many water sports except when we make it down to South Carolina with our cousins. 

I was so spoiled last summer to be living here in Chapin and being able to play on the lake with the girls all the time! My Uncle Mac has an awesome boat for doing water sports. He has speakers, which make everything better, and then he has the wake tower so that the rope is higher and it makes it easier for tricks. We also love to put two people out at the same time. When I go with the girls we always try to hold hands or dance to the music. Yesterday, Uncle Mac and I went together and we almost collided! Emily was able to get a picture of us before we fell and it is hysterical. The girls are always coming in and asking me to go jet skiing or tubing or play on the lake, so it is good motivation to get my work with InterVarsity done in the mornings, so that I can play in the afternoons! Here are some pictures of our afternoon yesterday...
Jumping off the dock!

 Mary and Sarah on the wakeboards. They are like mini pros! They were waving their hands dancing to the music :)

 They hold hands when they are on the kneeboard too!

Me and Emily holding hands on the wakeboards...double wakeboarding is the bees knees!

 Me and Em were hangin' on the boat while the girls were boarding...nothin' like windblown boat hair!

Meet Molly! She is just 6 months old and already loves the boat...isn't her puppy life jacket adorable?

We're going!....

 ...And we're down! Haha!

 It was such a sunny afternoon! Always love my water bugs and I'm so thankful for all the fun times we get to have together! Until next time...

Southern Saving Grace


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