Puppies, Puppies, and more Puppies!

After leaving Madison, WI I flew into Lexington, KY where my cousin, John Kelly, was waiting to pick me up. Once he scooped me, we headed to Frankfort to say hello to my mom and other cousins. That night all of the young adults went over to our cousin Alex's house to hang out. The next day was 4th of July and it is family tradition to go to our cousin Kay Margaret and Gary's farm. My mom was raised together with her first cousins, so even though they are technically "cousins", they seem like Aunt's and Uncle's to me, and then all of us cousins (really 2nd cousins) hang out together. I know it sounds confusing, but in short...there's a lot of us! Kay and Gary live out in Richmond, KY on a farm and so they have a great location for fireworks, swimming, and games.

Anywho, Kay and Gary started a French Bulldog breeding business a couple of years ago. I had never really seen Frenchies before then and if they aren't the cutest little things then I don't know what is. They are precious! They are also pretty expensive because they have to be artificially inseminated and they also have to have C-sections for the births of the pups. My cousins have made quite the business out of their furry little friends. Their website is Bluegrass Frenchies and they are well-known as being one of the best breeders in the country. They have even sold to a few big names, and some of the pups have even become "famous"! The website is pretty interesting if you take a look.

Regardless of all that, we always have a blast hanging out with all the little pups that have either just been born or are waiting to be adopted. Here we are with some of the pups:

Is he not the tiniest thing you've ever seen?
Little Baby! 
Romeo -- He's a heartbreaker
My new snuggle buddy
He loves to be all wrapped up

*Heart is Melting*
My typical trips to Kentucky consist of trying to see as many cousins as I can in an extremely short amount of time and for some reason John Kelly and I always end up back in Lexington with his friends from University of Kentucky (UK). My mom went to UK and it is always fun seeing John's friends because we have become close after so many years of visiting! 
Here is us out on the town:

After Kentucky, it was off to Virginia Beach, which is where I am currently. Stay tuned for more updates about my crazy summer adventures!

Southern Saving Grace


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