Faith Filled Fridays - My Utmost for His Highest

A friend of mine posted this on Instagram today, and I couldn't help but share! Two of my favorite things right here...

In the summer it's so easy to let our faith go to the wayside as we are busy with work, traveling, and summer adventures. I delight in my morning coffee when I wake up and this reminds me to delight in the time I get to spend with Jesus. 

One way I stay connected throughout the year, but especially in the summers when I am on the road so often is with my daily devotional. Meet, Oswald Chambers, and his fairly famous devotional, "My Utmost for His Highest".

His devotional is one of my all-time favorites, and I also like "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Having something to read each day is great, and Chambers really makes you think in his book. It's also great because you can just read the page for that day, or you can read it and journal about it, or discuss with another person...lots of options! We are in Winston-Salem, NC now visiting family friends and I know I am so thankful to have my book when we are on the road so often.

Anywho, just something to think about if you currently don't read a daily devotional and are looking for something to keep you connected during the crazy summer months or throughout the year!

Southern Saving Grace


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