More Ovaltine Please!

Does anyone remember this famous commercial? If you are like me then one of the highlights of drinking milk at Supper were the nights we were allowed to have Ovaltine. 

This past summer I stayed with my Aunt and Uncle and their three little girls for a few weeks at the lake in South Carolina. Their youngest daughter, Sarah, drank Ovaltine to supplement some of the nutrients she was missing in her regular diet. I tried a glass one morning and fell in love all over again. There is something so satisfying about a big glass of chocolate milk that actually has some health benefits! According to Ovaltine's website one glass of Ovaltine mixed with milk contains 10 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins A, B6, C and D, as well as the minerals copper, iron, calcium, and zinc.

 I love to drink Ovaltine cold or hot and at any time of the day. I guess it's the little kid in me, but you can hear me saying, "More Ovaltine Please!"

Southern Saving Grace


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