Virginia (Beach) is for Lovers

Everyone knows the classic saying, "Virginia is for Lovers" great is this sign! My brother and I found it on the way to Virginia Beach. 

 My brother and I discovered Vine on the way to the beach. We were making so many funny videos due to our cabin fever. It's probably a good thing that you can't post the videos on here because they are far too embarassing! For those of you who don't know, Vine is an app that you can download on to your smart phone and it allows you to take mini video clips and mush them all together to make a six second video. It is hilarious, but dangerous! Of course wants we got to the beach I had to send a snap chat (also a social media app) to my friends to let them know we made it. When you send a "snap" the other person can only view the picture for a couple of seconds before it disappears completely. This ensures you can send funny and embarassing pictures and poof! the evidence is gone. I hope you enjoy mine...

Once we made it to our family friends house we had to take pictures with their pup, Brandy (of course), and we had to get all of our hugs in! The Cade Family is our second set of parents. We have lots of "second parents" which tends to happen to most military brats. Once you move around as much as we do all of our family friends start to become like true family. The Cade's have two kids, Christy and Matt. Christy and I always joked that we've been friends since lamaze because our mom's were pregnant together in California and we were both born in San Diego! We both moved around a bunch until they settled into Virginia Beach and we moved there when I was in middle school. We reconnected and have been best friends ever since. With Johnny at the Naval Academy and her brother at VMI the boys have remained close as well. It's always a treat to see the Cade's at their beautiful home in Virginia Beach...even if it's just for a night!

Johnny and Brandy
Wave your paws in the air like ya just don't care

Christy and I laughed because we hadn't meant to coordinate outfits, but we realized we were so "American" when we were getting ready to head to dinner. We love America and all of our military men! Christy's dad is retired Navy and her fiance is in the Marines...military is a way of life for us!

Here we are at one of favorite restaurants in Virginia Beach -- Chick's! I had steamed shrimp with old favorite! And we had delicious oysters and crab dip for appetizers. When we used to live in Virginia Beach we would drive our boat over to Chick's, park, and eat dinner. It's right on the water and taking the boat to dinner was always so much more fun than the car!

Johnny with his second momma
I was so happy to be reunited with the sweet best friend even though it was only for one night. We have been there for each other through thick and thin and I can't wait to see her get married next Spring. We had a blast as always and I can't wait for my next beach trip!

Southern Saving Grace


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