Faith filled Fridays - Give Thanks

I have SO much to be thankful for this Friday! This is going to be one of the greatest weekends I've had in a while. In high school I had a group of 6 girlfriends that I was extremely close with. After we all graduated in Italy we were all off to different states depending upon where our parents were moving or where we were "from". Although everyone knows a truly military brat doesn't have a true hometown. We just found out a few months ago that one of the girls in our group, Tia, is engaged! Always a bridesmaid, never a bride...story of my life! So, our dear friend Gabbi who lives in NYC planned a surprise bachelorette party for her. Tia is headed up to New York to visit Gabbi as we speak and the rest of us will be up there tonight. Tia has no idea and we can't wait to pull it off! We have a 3 day weekend planned full of girl bonding and catching up, checking out the NYC night life, and of course exploring the city!

Since we haven't been able to post anything on social media for the past couple of months (this was much harder than we thought it would be)...Gabbi has been finding old pictures of us from high school and sending them in our group text as we counted down to this weekend.  Here are some gems that she found...ah the glory days ;-)

Ginger, Baby, Posh, and Sporty Spice
Our Junior year the Spice Girls did a reunion tour and came to London, England. We had all been obsessed when we were younger and wanted to go so bad! Unfortunately it didn't work out, so we had to have our own Spice Girls night...gotta love high school.

Lynsee and I were bored one night and decided it would be a good idea to give her cocker spaniel Skipper a mohawk...thank goodness her Mom was out of town otherwise we would've been dead meat. We took a few glamour shots of him, but then had pity on him and shaved the mohawk off, so he looked presentable again. This is when we were caught in the act...

I think we might have to recreate this picture this weekend. For those of you who are wondering I would not recommend trying to slide down the stairs on a blow up air mattress...

When we were in high school, we were all a part of a youth group called Club Beyond. It was supported through Younglife and we were able to go on a mission trip to Slovakia through the group. We met these two little girls, Janka and Denisa and fell in love with them! We actually still keep in touch with them through letters and Facebook, they are precious!

Since traveling in Europe is so cheap we were able to do lots of fun trips while in Italy. This is us skiing in Garmish, Germany at the Zugspitze. The Zugspitze is 2,962 meters above sea level and is the highest peak in Germany located on the Wetterstein Mountains. SO much fun! The best part is Gabbi's face on the right...she didn't think the picture was quite as much fun as everyone else did.

Of course I had to throw in an obligatory cheerleading picture of the good ole' days!

Southern Saving Grace


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