Gluten Free Eats: Stuffed Peppers

So, you may or may not have figured this out about me, but I am gluten free! I only found out about two years ago after growing up eating gluten, wheat, & flour all the time. You can amazing the travesty! As horrible as I thought it would be, I can honestly say it's not bad at all. While it may be inconvenient at times, eating gluten free promotes a healthy lifestyle and makes me feel so much better! Here is what I made last night...It was very quick, easy, and relatively healthy!

1. Clean your bell pepper and cut the top off to be able to stuff the pepper with whatever you desire. I used rice and black beans in mine -- Yum!

2. Fill it on up!

3. Cook for ~15 minutes at 350 degrees and Enjoy! I added some melted cheddar on top too, everything tastes better with cheese!
You can easily stuff peppers with tons of other things too. This is one of my all-time favorites!

Southern Saving Grace


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