Five Ways to Save a Little this MDW

Memorial Day Weekend is finally upon us! I am headed to North Carolina for a family reunion to celebrate my Father's promotion in the Navy! Most people are packing up and heading out of town whether it's to the beach, the lake, or just to meet up with friends and family. There is nothing worse than the feeling you get when checking your bank account to see the damage after a big weekend away. Traveling is expensive these days with food, gas, tolls, and we can't forget coffee! So here are a five tips to keep your MDW budget in check.
1. Nix the Starbucks

I know, I know this is probably not something you want to hear this early in the morning, but it makes a huge difference in the bank. By not spending $5 on that Skinny Vanilla Latte and making your own coffee you are not only saving cash, but also saving calories! If you insist on getting Starbucks because it is a road-trip tradition of some sort, try getting the regular coffee with a flavored sugar free shot and adding skim milk to lower the price and keep it low cal. I am overly prepared this morning with two cups and ready for my drive to North Carolina! My Clemson students would hurt me if they saw this Gamecocks cup haha!

2. Pack lunch/snacks

You may be the type to get excited for road-trips because it gives you a chance to have an excuse to eat McDonald's or other fast food. Don't do it. Period. Not only is it bad for you health-wise, but it starts to add up. You could be putting that money towards a nice dinner down at the beach! Being gluten free I really can't eat fast-food, so maybe I'm a little biased. I always bring some sort of lunch and then always have easy snacks accessible. Just make sure you don't leave them in the car for two Clif bar had to get some A/C treatment after being in the car all day...oops.

3. Pack light & sensibly

I admit I am horrible at this. Raise your hand if you bring 12 outfits for one overnight stay and then come home and can't remember what you wore, so you end up washing everything you brought? Oops that's me. I'm trying to be better about this, but it's hard especially when you are indecisive! Oops again. However, there is nothing worse than realizing you forgot your bathing suit and having to go buy a new one that you don't even really like that much, but just need. Or even a bottle of shampoo that will go with the other 3 bottles you already have stocked up at home. I LOVE making lists, and actually enjoy packing so just stick to your list! It is also helpful to have a friend read items out to you while you check your bag to make sure you have everything.

4. Do fun FREE things!

Usually when you go to the beach or the lake you don't think you will spend very much money "doing" things. But before you know it, someone wants to go to the amusement park at the oceanfront, or go play putt-putt golf...or real golf for that matter and you end up spending lots of money on activities. There are so many things you can do with friends and family for little to nothing that are just as much fun! Things like: playing board games, hiking,  playing frisbee, flag football game (this is a family tradition for us), or just relaxing outside!
Hiking where they filmed Hunger Games!
5. Revamp your old wardrobe

Rather than going out and buying new outfits for the whole weekend (tempting I know). Pull something from the back of your closet that you haven't worn in ages and add some different accessories and shoes and no one will know! This shirt is actually a dress. It is from F21 and their clothes are notorious for being made for miniature humans and for shrinking. I was planning to donate it when I thought...let me try it as a shirt! Paired with white pants, I thought it was pretty cute...and of course I am holding a puppy, go figure.

What are your Memorial Day Weekend tips?!

Southern Saving Grace


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