Country Cookin' done Right

You don't know a good homemade southern meal until you've eaten one of my Uncle Allen's special dishes. When you ask him for his recipes he responds with, "Uhh, well I'm not really sure what all I put in there". One of my favorites of his are his mashed know why they're probably so good? I found out he puts butter, sour cream, AND cream cheese in them. See ya later diet! 
This weekend we were lucky enough to eat several of Uncle Al's amazing dishes...the menu consisted of: ribs, chicken wings, pulled pork, cucumber salad, deviled eggs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and homemade slaw. I could not eat for the rest of the week and not even feel hungry...I was that full! Not to mention the delicious brunch we had after church before we came home to cook out. I had shrimp and grits (my favorite food) along with smoked salmon as an appetizer...YUM! Then we had fresh picked strawberries from a local farm with chocolate ice cream for dessert (for us gluten free gals) and my Granny's homemade brownies for the gluten lovers. So without further adieu I present to you the following...prepare to keep your mouth closed from drooling ;-) 

 Don't ya wish you were invited to our family cookouts?

Southern Saving Grace


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