Faith Filled Fridays - Family Fun

Being in South Carolina for the past couple of days, makes me so thankful for the awesome family I was blessed with! I just loved this verse for today and hope y'all like it too :-)

Since I've been working during the mornings/day and then playing in the afternoon/night the girls have been bugging me about how I haven't spent as much time with them. So yesterday night we decided to play lots of games! Today is our Aunt Nancy's birthday and she is coming to visit from Charleston with her boyfriend, Loren, and his son, Donald. We are so excited for them to get here and can't wait for what the weekend will hold! Momma and Aunt Kim had to get lots of groceries yesterday in preparation, and we planned the meals for the weekend. We decided that tonight we would have Mom's famous enchiladas. One of her good friends, Jenny Barry, taught her how to make them the traditional way, and boy are they yummy! Here are the steps:

1. Gather all of the materials
-Chicken/Ground Beef
-Enchilada Sauce
-Corn Tortillas (gluten free!)
-Shredded Cheese
-Green chili peppers (we like spicy!)

2. Lay all of the prepping materials out & then get the stove-top warmed up

We had a "prepping station" where me and the girls worked, while Mom and Kim heated the tortillas and then brought them over to us to roll. Mom and Kim made the beef and chicken before we got started, and also shredded the chicken so that it would fit nicely in the tortillas.

3. Dip the cooked tortilla into the enchilada sauce

4. Add your meat

5. Add your cheese

6. Roll the tortilla & line that baby up!

7. Once you have your pan full with wrapped tortilla's, just add a little bit more enchilada sauce and you are good to go! The best part is that they are already cooked, so you can just throw them in the refrigerator and then when you are ready for dinner, just throw them in the oven for ~30 minutes and there you have it!

After we finished making our enchilada's, we rounded up all of the neighborhood kids and played Kick the Can. I forgot how much fun that game is! We got soo sweaty that we all had to run and jump in the lake with our clothes on! :-) We then played "King of the tube" and "Categories". I was just floating around on my life jacket watching the kids swim (there were 10 kids!) and a snapping turtle came up and bit my knee! Bit my knee! Of course I started screaming and trying to get out of the water and all of the kids were cracking up at me...needless to say it was hysterical. Anyways, we are all so excited for this weekend with family and can't wait to celebrate Aunt Nancy's birthday!

Happy Friday Y'all!

Southern Saving Grace


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