Time to Give Up

Have you ever had a day where you didn't think another thing could go wrong...and then it did? A day that is so bad that you just have to start hysterically laughing because there is nothing else you could possibly do? Let me introduce you to my yesterday. We always joke in the Nowell family that we should have a reality TV show because there are so many funny things that happen in our family. Well yesterday was definitely a testament to that because I think we would've been the number one watched show if y'all had seen our day. Here were the mishaps:

1. Military ID

For those of you military folks out there you know how important this is. Your military id is like your lifesaver if you're a Navy brat. You need it to get on to the base, to buy things at the Commissary or NEX, you're basically a non-functioning human without it. Our whole lives we grow up getting lots of great perks thanks to our military service members (love you Dad!) but once you graduate college you get a kick in the rear and have to become a civilian (oh the terror!). We laugh that it's just a matter of time until we marry another military member (like my best friend Christy who is engaged to a Marine), but until then we have to live life without the military perks. 
My mom says I'm not allowed to marry a military man though because we all need to live in the same town so we can have brunch at Nana and Pops house after church on Sundays...first things first I need a boyfriend Mother! Anywho, I digress. The real issue is that my id card expired in May! I thought it was still good and I would be able to run some errands while my Dad was at the Vet with our two pups, but instead I ended up trying to convince our pup Lucy that the vet wasn't evil. Bottom line: this threw a wrench into our day, but we were still in high spirits at this point!
She's ignoring me haha

2. Stuck in the Car
Since we took the pups to the Vet in the morning, we had them when we had to run the rest of our errands on base. My Dad and I would take turns running into the places we needed to go to (aka I would sit in the car while he ran all the errands since my id expired). This lead to me creating ridiculous videos on snapchat of me singing with the pups...

This is me singing a snippet of "I want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes...I really shoulda been singing "I am crazy!" based off the past couple days..haha! 

So being stuck in the car actually wasn't that bad, but the dogs thought it was pretty bad. Since it was blazing hot we had to keep the car running with the air on. We tried not to leave the dogs in the car alone, but I went to get my Dad and I two drinks to cool off. We had our drinks and were debating what to do about the shopping we needed to do. We decided to run in to the NEX really quick and grab the two things we needed and leave the car running with the dogs inside. Bad idea. When we got back to the car, my Dad's Coke had  been punctured and crushed and there was ice and Coke all over the floor. Our bigger dog Penny was pretty thirsty I guess and got carried away. We laughed because it wasn't too big of a deal, but it gets worse from there...

3. Savings Bonds

Our next errand was to the bank to turn in my savings bonds. I have been getting them for birthday's since I was little and my mom had told me to turn them in since they were all matured. The young girl who helped me was wonderful and cashed them all in and I came out with a pretty sizable check. However, the amount I was given was less than the face value of all of my bonds. I knew something didn't seem right so I took the paperwork out to the car to Dad (who was with the dogs after the Coke mishap) to ask him. We were driving away when he realized that half the bonds hadn't matured. Not only had they not matured, but many of them were well below the face value...Oh No! When we realized how much money we had lost by cashing them in early I immediately started crying (of course). So, we decided to turn around and go see if we could fix the snafu. Here I am with the water works (thanks to my stress levels and poor sleeping pattern) and my Dad is calmly explaining to the kind girl the situation. At first they didn't think they could do anything, but then they made a few calls and found out they could cancel the entire transaction and we could start over! YAY! In the mean time, the dogs had been sitting in the car for about 20 minutes (with it running) waiting for us. On to the next mishap...

4. The Damage

When we got back out to the car it was in shambles. Our bigger dog Penny hates being in a closed environment and she was not happy in my car. So what did she decide to do? Chew up one of my seats. Cue the water works. After we had just fixed the savings bond mess and came out to the car to see that it was a mix of laughing and crying because the day was sooo not going our way. Luckily, my uncle owns a used car dealership and can order a new seat for us which we are so thankful for! She also punctured two water bottles in the trunk and ate half a bag of twizzlers...you think kids with sugar highs are bad? Try dogs haha! We had also gotten a new mini iPad at the NEX and she got her claws into the keyboard, but luckily there was no real damage...phew! The damage actually wasn't terrible, just more annoying than anything, but life happens! 
And now for the finale...you thought I was done didn't you?

This is her, "What did I do mom?" look
5. Running out of Gas

My car has the little ticker that tells you "2 Miles until E" so that you don't run out of gas. Unless you're me. Dad told me that there was a really cheap gas station just up the road and we thought we could make it. All of the gas around town is about $3.40 and this place was like $3.26 so we really wanted to get there! Well, my car got down to "0 miles to E" and we managed for about 2 more miles and we made it!! Wohoo! (Coincidentally I have completely run out of gas before and had to be pushed out of an intersection haha)
I pull around to the pump and I see a piece of white paper that says, "Out"...you're kidding me. Okay let's pull around to the other side..."Out". "Out, out, out, out". You get my point. Every gas pump was out! Really?! At this point we were about to need a pushing so what did we do? Went across the street to the other gas station that was $3.40. Dad and I were hysterically laughing at this point. Especially because we had passed a few cheaper stations, but decided to test our luck to make it to this special place. So we fill up, head home, and guess what we see 2 minutes down the road? Gas for $2.16...what!! We had been fully defeated. 

When we got home, Mom just gave me the biggest bear hug and we were all laughing about everything that went wrong. We felt so bad too because we had left her at home all day with the packers! It's days like yesterday that make you thankful that there is someone much bigger than us making the plans for our lives!

Southern Saving Grace


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