Faith Filled Fridays - Lay Down Your Life

This scripture is so fitting for the group of girls I spent a few days with in NYC. To say we had an amazing time would be an understatement. The six of us hadn't been all together in 5 1/2 years! It was so much fun just catching up on life and relaxing together. These are some of the highlights of the weeekend:

1. The Surprise

Lynsee and I came into the city really late at night. We took the bus from D.C. and didn't arrive in the city until about 10:30pm. Then we had to cab over to Brooklyn to get to Gabbi's apartment. She doesn't live in the nicest area, but her house is so nice! There were 9 of us in all including her roommates and we all fit comfortably, which is saying a lot for New York City! Once we hailed our cab and made it to the apartment we had to be super stealthy. We came in the front door and Tia, who we had planned the whole weekend around, was sitting with her back to the door. We jumped around both sides of her and she started screaming and crying...success! Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of the actual surprise, but it was epic. We then proceeded to do a cheerleading stunt (of course) and just catch up on the past few years!

We were just so happy to be all together we couldn't contain the laughter and excitement throughout the entire weekend!

2. The City

Of course we had to go to the typical New York City sites. We went to Times Square, Central Park, saw the Staten Island Ferry and Statue of Liberty (from a distance), did some shopping at Bergdorf Goodman's, and Louis Vuitton (kidding obviously), and took the Subway! The city was so neat and it was definitely fun exploring, but I am happy in the suburbs/country. I'm not sure if I would make it up there in the big city!

The "American" girls in Central Park
Oogling the pretty diamond! 
World Trade Center
Ridin' the Subway
Times Square
3. Games

On Saturday night we had planned to do Tia's bachelorette party. However, we were all exhausted and didn't really feel like going out on the town. Tia and Michela were leaving the next morning, but the rest of us would be their Sunday night and figured we could check out the night life then. We decided to stay in and play games on Saturday. We played the game where you put something on your forehead and try to guess what each person about hilarious! We also did people we knew from high school, so it made it even more comical. So originally Tia was the only one engaged, but then Amber got engaged in the mean time, so we had two brides to about exciting!

The Toast!
We thought this was fitting for her...

4. Night on the Town

They say NYC is the city that never sleeps...well they were definitely not kidding! We decided to go to a bar called the Standard on Sunday night to celebrate Amber's engagement. We were bummed that Tia had to leave on Sunday, so we couldn't do both! The bar had a big game of bingo going that we tried to join, but we were told you had to have reservations a year in advance...WHAT! Our friend Gabbi who lives in the City pulled this random male waiter over and begged him to get us in. She told him we were all visiting from the South and had never been out in the city and could he please please pleaseee get us in. Voila! He came back and told us to come with him and he had a table waiting for us. 

We were greeted with free drinks and everyone was drooling over our Bride. We ended up meeting so many interesting people and stayed out until the wee hours of the morning. None of us go out very much, so we were wondering how these people could be out on a Sunday night...what the heck! New York City is unreal! As a said before we had a fabulous time, but I'm not quite sure I could keep up with the lifestyle. Here are some fun pics from the evening!

The Bride!
Ready to Go

Loved NYC and I can't wait to go back! Who else has been?!

Southern Saving Grace


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