Faith Filled Fridays - Serving

As you may know by now, I have two brothers. Johnny (21) and Stephen (15). At home right now helping with the move and getting ready to go to Italy is just Stephen. We have had a great time hanging out together, running errands, and me chauffeuring him and his friends around. Although we are 8 years apart we are extremely close...sharing a bed in a hotel room will do that to you! I am basically like his second mom, but we always have so much fun together. This week he has asked me for several favors and I'd say I'd get the best big sis award...maybe even best older sibling award since I'm the only sister. It's a good thing Johnny doesn't read my blog, so I can get away with saying that. :) Here are some of the things we've been up to this week:

1. Fashion Advice

I always wished I had a little sister growing up, so I kind of let Stephen fill in when he could. I love to give him fashion advice whenever I can. Everyone loves a properly dressed southern gentleman! This started when he was a lot younger...

Just kidding this is actually a Halloween costume and is always very well-dressed nowadays. I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to share this picture. Luckily my fashion sense didn't rub off on him too bad. Now for the more serious parts of my post...
See, they both turned out to be cuties!
2. Packing

As you know, we are moving out of our house and packing everything up. This means that Mom, Dad, and Stephen have to pack one suitcase for the summer until they make it to Italy. Luckily, I have my car so I was able to have a little more until I get to SC. So how did I serve Stephen? By packing his whole suitcase and cleaning his room, while he proceeded to sit in his trunk like this...

We actually had some fun with it because I would tell him to gather up something and give him 30 seconds of a song to complete it, so it kept us entertained. If you ever have cleaning or something to do the 2 minute game is always fun! Me and my roomie in college used to clean our dorm room this way. One person gets to lay on the bed and boss the other person around for 2 minutes, then you switch. It makes cleaning so much more enjoyable and productive!

3. Driving
Stephen just recently got his permit, so he had been dying to go driving. Our cousins in KY have a farm and a little car that the kids used to drive around when they were younger, but this is the real deal now! We had to run a few errands, so I let Stephen drive us to get things done. Overall, he did great but we did have one scare! Thankfully he won't be driving my precious Eloise all summer :)
Driving in KY
Driving my baby Eloise
 4. Mom/Supervisor/Chauffeur/Best Big Sis Ever

I have come to realize the pain of every mother with a child who is in high school, but doesn't have their license yet. The time where you want your kids to go outside and do something, but in order for that to happen you have to drive them! I actually have had a blast driving Stephen and his friends around, but I can sympathize with my mother for all that she does and have to give her props! From picking up friends, to going to get slushies, to waking up at 5:30am to take him to track practice and then meeting him after track practice with Chick-fil-A breakfast sandwiches, to supervising his going away party and then driving everyone home...we've done it all! Here are some pictures of the craziness...
National Donut Day! I could barely get a picture before he had stuffed the entire donut in his mouth..we love our Dunkin' Donuts! Correction: Stephen loves the donuts, I love the iced coffee ;-)

Stephen's friends love to take my phone and take pictures while I am chauffeuring them around...gotta love teenage boys! 

Blue Lips
 Friends getting Sno Cones at Jerry's...if you are ever in Memphis this is a must try!

Stephen wearing my sunglasses (of course) and displaying the makeshift table that Dad made. He had to cut a piece of wood to put on the have to improvise when all of your furniture is gone!

We've been having a blast this week and I always love hanging out with my baby brother, even if it is to take him around town wherever he needs to go. I'm gonna miss him when he is in Italy!!

Southern Saving Grace


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