College World Series...HAIL STATE

Unless you know nothing about college sports, then you probably know that we are int he midst of the College World Series. Last year, one of my favorite teams, the Gamecocks (sorry Clemson!) made it to the bottom two, so I was rooting for them. However, they sadly didn't make it this year. Luckily though, one of our other favorites, the Mississippi State Bulldogs made it and they have been rockin' it!! They won both of their games, so far and since it is double elimination they are looking really good. 

One of my best friends from high school in Memphis, Edey, went to State. She was also a diamond girl, which means she knows everything there is to know about baseball, especially State baseball. Her and her husband, Chett, have been having myself and a couple of other friends over to watch the games. It is a blast spending time with them because she will give us the ins and outs of the players and it is exciting to be with die-hard State fans. I'm just a bandwagon fan since we don't have any family that went to State ;-)

There was one huge mistake that happened before the CWS started. They always make CWS logo t-shirts for all of the teams that make it into the competition. Well whoever was in charge of making the t-shirts this year definitely lost their job. Anyone and everyone who knows anything about Mississippi colleges knows the rivalry between Ole Miss and State is fierce. So fierce that they will actually root for opposing teams before they would EVER think about rooting for their rival in any sport. Now, Ole Miss are the Ole Miss Rebels and State are the Bulldogs. 

Now, when you see the picture of the shirt they made for the CWS you will understand why some people had to have been fired. On the t-shirts they put, "Mississippi State Rebels". We laughed that one google image search would have cleared that up real quickly! Who doesn't double check something like is the t-shirt.

It did make for some pretty good jokes from the boys though. They said that this was the only time the Rebels would make it to the College World Series. 

Since my parents have been gone for the past couple of days, it has been nice to have some friends to hang out with and watch the games with (especially since I have no TV or internet). Edey and I have been friends for 8 years now, and I'm going to miss her so much when I move to South Carolina! The bulldogs play again on Friday, and if you don't have a team to root for feel free to become a bandwagon fan and HAIL STATE!!

Southern Saving Grace


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