Faith Filled Fridays - Overcoming Your Circumstances

As you may know or have probably figured out by now, myself as well as my family are in the middle of a move. Not surprising for the Navy life, but the logistics of this move have been pretty complicated. The rents are headed to Naples, Italy and I am headed to Clemson, South Carolina. From moving out of my apartment in Virginia, to getting to Tennessee and the packers coming two days later, and now living in an empty house....we have had some interesting circumstances! We were living in a hotel while they packed out our house, but then my parents left to go say goodbye to family and left me in the empty house with a mattress. Yep. That means no TV, no Internet, no dishes, no chairs. It's been interesting to say the least, but I've actually enjoyed semi-unplugging for a while. My church has been AWESOME and set me up with a little office to work and is taking great care of me. :) However, there have been several moments where I wanted to let my circumstances get the best of me and I'm sure that everyone can relate to moments like this! Here is the scripture I've been focusing on:

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him."
- James 1:12

I love the book of James in general, and he always knows how to stick it to ya. Anyways, here are some of the funny things that have happened or that I've done as I've been "Overcoming these Circumstances"

1. The No Towel Circumstance

Me being the smart person that I am got in the shower my first night at the house and did my normal routine, until realizing that I didn't have a towel. Not only did I not have a towel, but my suitcase and any sort of clothing was all downstairs and I was upstairs. (That was half my fault because I was lazy and didn't carry my suitcase upstairs) So what did I proceed to do? I had to run downstairs in my birthday suit in the hopes that the neighbors weren't creeping in my windows and I used a t-shirt to dry off. I didn't want to waste multiple clothes, so I only used one shirt, but believe me when I tell you that I would not recommend it. But hey, I overcame right?

2. No Social Media

So my mom was supposed to keep the Internet on at the house for me so that I could do emails and work at home for my new ministry job with Greek IV. Nope. She accidentally turned it off and then it was going to cost a ridiculous amount to turn it back on...darn you internet company! Now, I'm not against working at the Public Library/Starbucks, etc...but I am a huge night owl and end up doing a lot of work between 10 and 12am. I'm also a morning person too, not sure how that works, but somehow it does! So I asked my pastor at my church here in Memphis if I could work at the church. Of course he said yes and they set me up with a little cubicle and it is great!! *God works all things together for good* It has actually been more productive being here than if I were at home because I don't have distractions...Thanks Germantown Presbyterian!

3. Packing - Diva Status

When I leave Memphis, I am headed to Madison, WI for staff training for InterVarsity. My parents took my car, so I will fly to WI. What does flying mean? I could only have one suitcase of "stuff" aka clothes, fundraising materials, laptop, etc. Now, anyone who knows me already knows I tend to overpack (oops!). I also had all of these fundraising materials that I needed to do my work in Memphis, so what was I going to do? Introducing......the traveling home office! My mom actually has one too, so it's kind of funny. I took all of my clothes out of my suitcase and put them in a duffle bag and then I am going to put all of my work materials in my suitcase...genius! Except for the part where I have to pay $50 for two checked bags...womp womp. We decided that was the best idea though, rather than mailing everything...ya gotta work with your circumstances!
This tri-fold is going to be my carry-on...I'll let y'all know how many stares I get at the airport haha :-)

4. Taking out the Trash

When my parents left, my Dad went through all of the chores I needed to do while they were gone. Change the pool filter, water the plants, take out the trash, recycling, etc. After just moving out, you can imagine how much trash we and recycling we have with random boxes and things like that. Me being the smart person I am (again) decided I would try to take everything down to the curb at the same time. I had to give up halfway down the driveway because I thought I pulled a butt muscle. Just go ahead and let that sink in and get your laughs out. I practically fell to the ground (my neighbors probably think I'm not a normal person) and for some reason my right side of my butt hurt sooo bad I could hardly walk. I hobbled to get the cans out to the curb, but as soon as I got inside I had to do stretches so I could walk. How embarassing!! But too funny not to share. It feels fine now, but who knew I would have to overcome that! 

Hopefully no one else has had the same issues this summer as me! ;-)

Southern Saving Grace


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