The Mania of Moving

Not only did I just move out of my apartment in Virginia to get ready for South Carolina, but the rents are moving from Tennessee to Italy! Since we lived their once before its not too too crazy, but of course packing and moving is always sort of chaotic. This time my mom came up with a great system for the packers...they said they were so impressed with our organization. You can be organized when you're entire house is full of boxes and looks like wild animals are living there? I guess so. 

We labeled every room with a number. We made a master list that we put on the refrigerator as well as a master list upstairs. Then as they packed each room they made sure to put the number for that room on the box. That way when my parents get to Italy they can say, All boxes with an 8 on it are from the kitchen, etc...genius right?! Welcome to my mother and her geniusness! 

It has been hard for me to stay focused on my Ministry Partnership Development with our house a wreck, but we just moved into a hotel for the week because our beds have been packed up. I set up a little hotel office here, so I'm hoping for a productive day, prayers appreciated! Here are some funny moving moments...

See the number 6? That was for Stephen's room. Dad had to write "Vetro E Ceramica!" for the Italians when they unpack otherwise Stephen would not have been a happy camper opening that box in Italy. 

Here we have our lovely clothesline. When in need simply use deck/pool area to hang clothes to dry...the only flaw to this plan is that when we play pool volleyball (which we've been doing every night), said clothes get splashed and therefore defeat the purpose of being hung out to dry. Oh well!

The kids were tasked with taking all of the luggage to the hotel while the rents stayed at the house to help packing. I wish I had a picture of the inside of the car and the hotel carts when we stacked them. We had SO much stuff. Stephen is sitting Indian Style in the car because we even had stuff at his feet...cue packing hysteria once again. Ahh!

 This is my favorite thing we found while packing out. When my Dad made Captain a few years back our good family friends threw a big party for us and had these bottles of wine made. Pretty hysterical right?! I joked and said it looks like this bottle has aged a bit...punny! Anywho, pretty cute idea and a fun memory and keepsake!

So far the move is actually going really well amidst the organized chaos. If anyone knows how to move it's my parents. This is their 18th move at this point, so I guess you could say they're pretty much pros now. Dad leaves for Italy soon and then Mom, Stephen, and I will be making our family rounds throughout the summer before they head to Italy and I head to South Carolina. So far so good!

Southern Saving Grace


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