Loving My City

A few weeks ago before I left Harrisonburg, my good friend from the hospital, Hannah, took a few pictures of me around town. Y'all, she is AWESOME!! We have a great field behind the hospital that we went to and she got some great shots there and then we headed downtown to get some city shots. One of the reasons why I love Harrisonburg is that you have the city and the country all right there. Granted our "city" is pretty teensy tiny, but it is precious and so much fun! We have some awesome restaurants and fun places to go to listen to live music and hang out. I'm definitely going to miss the 'burg, but I'm excited for what lies ahead in Clemson! Here are some of my favorites from our little shoot...
 These boots were made for walkin...

 Clock-tower in Downtown Harrisonburg

 One of my favorites from the shoot...this is in the field that is right near the hospital I used to work at. Hannah said she would always look out of the hospital windows and see how great a backdrop it would be for a photo shoot, and she was right!
This is outside one of the really eclectic restaurant/bar/salsa dancing places in downtown Harrisonburg. This mural stretches all the way down the street...it's pretty neat

 Bye Bye Harrisonburg
South Carolina here I come!
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future"
- Proverbs 31:25

I am ready for my next adventure to SC and can't wait to get on campus at Clemson!! 

Southern Saving Grace


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