The Timeless Art of Letter Writing

There is something so fun about going out to your mailbox and realizing you have a letter waiting for you. Especially the "just because" letters. I love sending letters to friends when I am thinking of them or when I see a card that reminds me of them. I don't know why, but I just think this is SO fun. Because I am such an avid letter writer it is a necessity for me to have stationary! I have a box of random cards that I keep for special occasions, but for "just because" letters or even thank-you notes it's worthwhile to invest in some beautiful monogrammed stationary. I am actually kind of strange in that I keep a few letters in my purse and my car at all times.

I went to a conference in December and met a few friends from UVA (who coincidentally will now be missionaries with me for InterVarsity), but I wrote them each a letter at the end of our week together. They called me to thank me and were hysterically laughing because they said, of course I would have my own monogrammed stationary.

I used to always get Thank You notes from Target and pick up cute cards, but a lot of times you end up spending $8-$10 for only 8 notecards. There is a store in my town here in Memphis called Happi Stores. They are the go-to for anything monogrammed, hostess gifts, baby gifts, or college gifts. You name it, they've got it. They have a fabulous line of stationary, almost to the point where you are overwhelmed going in. However, for Christmas my Mom had gotten all of us personalized postcards, so I already had an idea of what I wanted when I went again.

If you live in the Memphis area, get your stationary soon because they have buy one, get one free! So, I paid about $50 and got 100 personalized cards. That's half the price of Target, and you know it'll be a while before I run out! Although considering how many letters I write it'll probably be sooner rather than later. Here is how my cards turned out:

Now I know stamps are expensive, and why mail a letter when you could Email, Facebook, Text, Instagram, Tweet, etc...but there is nothing like it! Maybe it's because I like old-time things or traditions, but letter-writing will always be one of my favorite things to do and receiving letters will always make me happy :-) Now, go write someone you are thinking about a sweet note and you will make their day!

Southern Saving Grace


  1. I love sending cards and letters too! There is just something special about getting an actual letter or card instead of an email or text!


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