Happy Belated Father's Day!

It has been a crazy and hectic week/weekend over at the Nowell household. The rents took Stephen and are on their way to Florida to say goodbye to grandparents before Dad has to be in Italy! So I am left to take care of the final details of the house (oh yay!) and I have been left without internet (insert dramatic emoji face here). So, I am currently sitting in Starbucks (which I don't hate) catching up on emails and doing a much needed post!

Since everyone's bags are packed there really wasn't much room for big gifts and Dad had already gotten a mini-iPad as an early Father's Day present. We knew he would need something to skype us with other than his work computer, and to keep in touch while he is in Italy for 2 months without Mom and Stephen.

So I decided to get creative and made him two little things. I just printed a few pictures from things we had done recently, as well as some old pictures like my parents wedding picture and made a little photo album. I also made him a deck of cards like I did for Mom for Mother's Day. This is a very thoughtful gift and is very inexpensive! I just took a deck of cards and hole punched the corner of them and then wrote, "52 Reasons Why I Love You". Here are some of the cards...

I put the front card on a Joker card because if you know my Dad, he is a big jokester!

 If anyone knows my Dad, they know his breakfasts. He is notorious for cooking ridiculously large portions of the most amazing breakfast foods you can think of. He makes Eggs Benedict, homemade country ham biscuits, homemade biscuits and gravy, eggs to order, and my fried bologna (my favorite). All extremely bad for you, but extremely yummy! In high school after homecoming and prom we would have a ton of people sleep over and my dad would always make us pancakes in the morning or one of his other breakfast favorites...he is the Breakfast King!

 This card is for the stories my Dad used to tell us when he would tuck us into bed at night. Johnny and I would get in my bed and he would tell epic Captain Ahab stories. Captain Ahab was a Navy ship captain who's ship was always getting attacked by Black Bart the dastardly Pirate. He would talk about how someone would get kidnapped by Black Bart and Captain Ahab had to rescue them. He would usually put our names and our friends names into the story, which would make it that much more exciting! I can't wait until my kids can hear Captain Ahab stories...don't worry that won't be anytime soon though!

I have always LOVED dancing, especially swing dancing. Dad and I can rock it on the dance floor and this is one of my favorite dancing pictures of us. Father's Day was a great excuse for us to go back and find baby pictures of us with Dad! Love him!!

Southern Saving Grace


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