Let's Play Catch Up

If you haven't noticed...I haven't blogged in a while! Life has been crazy!! Let me try to update you on the past two weeks with a little picture slideshow, then hopefully I will keep a good track record of keeping you up to date on my daily life. I may not be as exciting, since I'm not traveling as much, but y'all know I always have a funny story or two to share. I am currently in Clemson, SC (wohoo!) and am all moved into my new apartment. I am close to being 80% funded for my job with InterVarsity and I'm not allowed to start meeting with students until I am 87% funded, so my focus right now is to get fully-funded. Prayers and encouragement are welcome! If you want to check out my most recent ministry update or to subscribe to my email list you can do so here:
Katie's Ministry Update

Now, for my picture update:

 We moved all of our stuff from my cousin Carrie's old apartment to our new apartment in Pendleton, SC. I LOVE my new apartment here in SC, it is wonderful! We definitely worked those muscles moving everything in. I was so thankful to have my mom who is an expert mover -- she was amazing!
 The first night in my new apartment I actually didn't spend in my apartment! I got to spend the night at my supervisor, Dusty's house. My intern partner, James, had offered Dusty and his wife Christin free tickets to see Kenny Chesney and so he asked if I could stay with the girls. This is Reese who is 2 and they just recently had another daughter, Lucy, who is a little over a month old. They are both precious and such sweet girls (although Lucy obviously can't talk yet haha!) Mom came for a few hours and then left and I spent the night...so much fun!
Of course I had to get my mom to take a picture of me and Lucy, so I could send it to James to tell him I am the best intern ever! We have a little competition going on for points with Dusty...he thought he was winning with the concert tickets, but babysitting and spending the night clearly wins ;-)


So much better! I actually have a pretty large closet, so my mom hung up almost all of my clothes which is nice because I've never had that luxury before! My best friend Christy is super organized and when we were organizing my room she kept saying she was going to channel her inner Christy Cade to keep my closet/room spic and span. I think it worked!

 Then it was off to Emerald Isle, NC where we were lucky to have two houses full of friends and family that we hadn't seen in a long time! Our family friends were visiting as well as our friends from Switzerland, Nikki & Daniel, and the Vischers (Katherine, Matt, Michael & girlfriend Manuella, and Nicolas). We had one house that was on the beach and then this house which was on the water. It was gorgeous and we had a blast!

Mr. Barfield (one of our family friends) took us out on his boat to see a light house and to this little beach for the day. All of the older girls went and Manuella got to bring along Michael of course. I'm on a boat and it's going fast and...cue the song!

Here is a dog pile of all of the kiddos! From left to right: Nicolas, Devin, Me, John David, Heather, and Ava; In the back and sitting on top of the couch: Manuella, Michael, Kelsey, Sophia, and Stephen.

Me, Mom, and Stephen on the beach...one night we all dressed up in white and blue and went down to the beach with a photo shoot. Our Swiss friend, Daniel, is an amazing photographer, so he was able to get some awesome group shots! These are just a few I took on my iPhone though...

Of course we had to take a jumping picture!

Stephen with Ava & Devin

Me and our sweet Swiss friend, Nikki

Kids Picture!
 Again: Heather, Stephen, Sophia, John David, Me, Nicolas, Kelsey, Ava, Devin

Me & Nicolas! 

Stephen and John David had to have a photo shoot doing crazy things and the pictures actually turned out pretty funny!

We probably should have done this the other way around haha!

On my way back to Clemson, I stopped by Mac & Kim's house for one last hoorah on the lake. It was right around sunset which gave Uncle Mac and I perfect wakeboarding conditions!

I've been searching for running trails in Pendleton, which is the little town I live in. This is near the downtown area of the town...how gorgeous right? I'm loving it!

Gotta Run!

Here is my partner in crime: James Clinton. He is a hoot!! He has been teaching me how to thrift shop...I'm a natural obviously. I actually found a few things I needed that I was planning on buying at Walmart, so we had some successful trips. However, the best was this outfit...there was actually a scarf that came with it as well. I think I paid $3 for this? I know it looks hideous, but I plan to cut the skirt and make it high-waisted and it would actually be cute for football games! Who knows where James will wear that coat, but I'm sure he will find a time and a place...it's safe to say we will have some fun adventures in the upcoming year!

 So, although neither of us are fully-funded, Dusty got special permission for us to come to the Clemson Greek IV Leadership Retreat this past Saturday. Their retreat was all weekend, but we got to be there on Saturday for lunch and an afternoon activity. What did we come up with? Muddy wiffle ball...it was amazing!! Of course James had a crazy outfit, and we found an old construction site to set up our field. You had to hit the ball then go down a slip-n-slide to first base. Then you had to army crawl to second, run through a muddy trench to third, and do three mud angels for a home run. It was EPIC!
 The aftermath...you should have seen my car! James decided it would be a good idea to do mud angels on it...poor Eloise!
Here is the leadership team with Dusty and James...they are awesome and I can't wait to get to know them better and start discipling some of the girls!

 Last but not least...taking out the trash! I don't know why, but I thought this would be funny. I've actually met so many new people in my neighborhood from taking out the trash because we have so much! But luckily the apartment is always all the way put together which is exciting. 

We have an office in our apartment, which has been super helpful for me. I have everything set up and it is wonderful! More updates to come as I get settled in and get roots down here in Clemson.
Stay tuned!

Southern Saving Grace


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