Thrifting -- The new and improved way to shop

So, if you've never been thrift store shopping you are missing out, let me tell you. In high school my mom and I used to randomly check out consignment stores, but I was never a big thrifter. Until I met my intern partner James Clinton. Y'all, I am obsessed! It is so much fun to be on the hunt for something you need (don't get caught up in buying junk) and to find it for an amazing price! A few weeks ago, James was looking for a bookshelf for his room and I needed a few odds and ends, but was sort of just along for the ride. Well, guess what all I found?

1. Curling Iron

Now I know this doesn't sound crazy, but it was a Revlon large barrel roller for $4! The same curling iron would have easily been $30-$40 at Target. Talk about a steal...I had been using my best friend Christy's large barrel roller over the summer and really wanted one, but didn't think it was worth the money. Thank you to whoever dropped this beauty off at Goodwill, my hair is forever grateful.

2. Iron

This one is actually pretty funny. James and I were going to our Area Team meeting with all of the other South Carolina IV Staff to have lunch and spend some time in prayer and scripture as a group. We were supposed to be in Business Casual. Both of us pulled it off really well, but we were laughing about how our outfits probably could have used some help from a trusty iron. So, I was planning on running by Walmart to get an iron before we decided to go thrifting. Low and behold, what do I find? Practically the same iron I had been looking for at Walmart for $3! I repeat three dollars!! What?! I immediately came home and started ironing things because I was so excited...dork alert.

3. South Carolina Hat

I helped James move all of his stuff into his apartment with his little sister Jillian, and his roomie Bill. Now, imagine moving in boxes and boxes of items in 90+ degree weather and even worse...sounds wonderful right? It actually wasn't too bad despite my hair hating me. I was in serious need of a hat! James is an avid hat collector and had a great "Life is Good" hat that he let me borrow, but I knew I needed to expand my hat collection (of 1 hat) with the humidity and heat here in South Carolina. Look no further, the thrift store is here! We actually drove up to Easley, which is about 15 minutes from Clemson to go thrifting. I found an awesome South Carolina hat that is adorable for $2...most new hats are at least $15...score! And don't worry I washed it before I wore it! ;-)

4. Bathroom Bin

I had sort of been looking around for a bin to keep my hair stuff (ie. blowdryer, curling iron, hair spray) in for my bathroom. I don't have much counter space and underneath the sink gets overcrowded really easily. What do I find for $2 in this thrift store in Easley? The most adorable polka dot bucket that would fit perfectly in my bathroom! Especially since my rugs were already yellow with polka's like it was just waiting for me to find it. Match made in heaven right there folks.

5. Glass Jar

I had been casually looking for a glass container to hold wine corks, so that I could save them for crafting projects. When I looked at Hobby Lobby, Michael's and TJMaxx I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money they were asking for this glass jar. What do I find at Goodwill? A $2 glass jar that is perfect for my needs...need I say SCORE again? :)

6. The tiger skirt

If you follow me on instagram you know exactly what I'm talking about. James and I found this three piece womens suit that is absolutely heinous, but hysterical. It was this long jacket with Tiger faces all over it with a matching skirt and scarf. Talk about ugly. But we couldn't pass it up. We paid $3 for the whole thing (so $1.50 each) and we knew we would figure out something to do with it. Well, the skirt is actually kind of cute minus the whole being down to my ankles part. But, after meeting my new friend Karly, who has a sewing machine and loves crafting, what am I going to do? Cut the skirt and turn it into a high-waisted beauty for football season! I will post pictures once it's done, but we both think it will be adorable. Oh the possibilities that come from thrifting!

I am still on the hunt for a piece of furniture for our living is sometimes harder to find, but I've also been looking at garage sales and on the side of the road for things I can pick up and re-furbish. What are your thoughts on thrifting? You've gotta be in the mood to shop and look for those deals, but it can be so much fun and so rewarding!

Southern Saving Grace


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