Game Day Countdown: Two Days

Everyone who's anyone knows that tonight is the start of College Football -- Finally! The long awaited season is finally here. I just LOVE college football. I think it's so much better than NFL, although I still enjoy that too. I feel like the games are more exciting and most of the players really LOVE their schools and the game and aren't obsessed with the money. Although I'm sure many of them are hoping they make it to the NFL for the money (but let's not think about that!). Anyways, tonight is the night. The season kicks off with several teams tonight, but probably the most talked about is the USC vs UNC game. Will the Tarheels be able to stand their ground against the Gamecocks? It's doubtful, but we shall see! I always like to see an underdog come out on top, but USC is a tough cookie.

More importantly though, is the Clemson game this Saturday. I haven't been in Clemson for even an entire month yet, and I've already been converted. The spirit here is contagious! I've always rooted for both USC and Clemson (judge me) because of family ties to both schools, but I think Clemson has stolen my heart (at least for the time being). If my baby cousins are reading this, I'm sorry baby girls! ;-)

Anyways, guess who will be in Death Valley on Saturday (besides me!)....ESPN College GameDay. Just have to throw a little praise in to God for providing me a ticket. A guy that I met in my small group is working the game and is a Grad student, so he is giving me his ticket for free. FREE! Y'all, these tickets are going for big bucks, so you don't know how awesome it was to get the news from him! 

Now back to College GameDay...they will technically be on Bowman Field, which is sort of like JMU's Quad, but they will be reporting on site! Exciting stuff for the Tigers. ESPN published an article about Clemson and what they need to do on Saturday to win. I have faith in Tajh Boyd (Clemson's QB) and the team that they will show Georgia who is boss in Death Valley. Not only would a win be awesome (obviously), but it would be great for ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference). The SEC (Southeastern Conference) typically dominates college football, so the ACC needs to step up their game! Although it's doubtful they'll ever truly reign over the SEC (sorry to all of my pro ACC friends). 

Anyways, with game day being on Saturday, the more important issue is what to wear! Time for the girly part of this post ;-) When I knew I was coming to Clemson, and even before since I visited so much, I started stocking up on orange apparel. Here are some cute ideas for game day apparel:

There are two Zeta Alumnae from the Memphis Chapter that started a company called, "The Tailored Tailgate". They have the most adorable dresses and outfits for game days! They are mostly for schools in the SEC, but several schools have similar colors, so you can find something for pretty much anywhere! Although we all know there are definitely differences between Tennessee Orange, Auburn Orange, and Clemson Orange...ya gotta be careful ladies ;-) The first three outfits are all from their website, check them out!

Love the top of the dress, such a fun cut!

Just imagine this dress with a bright purple bauble!

Who doesn't love peplum! This would have to be a first game look, since Labor Day is quickly approaching...unless you want to dish out some sass to the old ladies who will give you the evil eye for wearing white after Labor Day ;-) haha!

The rest of the dresses are from ASOS...they have a great selection, but can be a little pricey. Tons of cute things though, but these are my favorites:

This beauty is from ASOS, they're stuff is cute, but kind of pricey...great selection though!

If this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen then I don't know what is! Give me girly frills and I'm in...also from ASOS, this would be perfect for a fall game and you could even add tights and boots because it looks a tadbit short!

Another good choice for a game later in the season...I love the sleeves!

Last, but certainly not least, you can always shop in your roomie or sorority sisters closets for the best price, FREE! That is one thing I really miss about living in the sorority house was sharing clothes with all of my sisters, so take advantage of that while you still can college girls!

You'll have to wait until Saturday to see what I am wearing for hint, it will be Solid Orange! Clemson does this thing called SolidOrange Fridays, and everyone wears orange. Literally everyone. It's a great way to show school spirit, and a fun tradition! So, who else is ready for College Football? Get excited!!

Southern Saving Grace


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