Faith Filled Fridays - Rest in Him

I wanted to make this Friday about the Greek IV Leadership Team and how excited I am about them, but I felt like I needed to write about this instead. Plus, you'll probably get sick of hearing about my students once I get on a roll ;-)

Last week, James and I had the opportunity to meet up with the other InterVarsity staff in South Carolina who were in Clemson for their area team meetings. We didn't go to all of the meetings, but we were able to have lunch with them one day and then we were studying a passage in 2 Timothy. We read through the passage together a few times then broke up for quiet times alone with the passage and to reflect and pray with the Lord.

It was in this time that I found myself just soaking in the peace of being with God. In the midst of a crazy and hectic schedule, and the pressure of Ministry Partnership Development, He brought me so much peace.

Once a week for the past few weeks I have had a one hour phone conversation with my Area Director (AD), named Willis Weber. Y'all, he is amazing. He is a new AD, but you would think he has been doing this forever, he's so great! He knows when to push me and fight the excuses I make up or ways I get in my head. Then he encourages me, prays for me, and I just always leave our conversations ready to take on the world! 

Well. Yesterday was rough. Actually rough is an understatement. I just kept getting in my head and telling myself that there were so many reasons why I wasn't fully-funded. Literally making stuff up! And Willis totally called me BOOM. So of course I start crying (totally me) and Willis knew exactly how to handle it (go Willis!). We sat there and prayed on the phone. He told me to just sit there and listen to what the Lord was telling me. First, he told me to ask the Lord whatever I felt like I needed to. I asked the Lord how to fight what I was doing to myself. It's weird how things can be going so well, but then you just make up these things (that literally aren't real!) as to why things aren't going well! Ugh.

So then we sat. And listened. And guess what He said?

"The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still"
- Exodus 14:14


He was just telling me to stop! Really give it up to Him and take a step back. It's like he was saying, "I've got this Katie. Stop trying to fight for yourself because I'm already fighting and you're just getting in the way." Well okay God! Willis reminded me that my identity is first found in God, and not in my role with InterVarsity, or how much money I raise, or how many students I will be teaching/leading. My identity is in Christ, as His daughter.

And guess what happened after that? I had an amazing day. I reached 87% of my fundraising goal! What?! Of course I still have a ways to go, but this is still awesome!

In the busyness of our every day lives it's so easy to get caught up in being defined by our job, or things that we consider to be "success". But none of that stuff matters! What truly matters is the heart. There is a sense of peace and rest that comes from fully surrendering your life to the Lord and just trusting Him to fight for us.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; My salvation comes from Him."
-Psalm 62:1

Southern Saving Grace


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