Memory Verse Monday- Galatians 6:9

I have to admit I've been slacking this past week, but life is crazy, which is a good thing! Like I said before, I have been memorizing one scripture a week and love to share with y'all what I am memorizing and maybe you can memorize it too. I put the memory verse on my bathroom mirror, on a sticky note on my desk, and make it my screensaver, so that I see it multiple times during the day!

This week is Galatians 6:9, 
"Let us not grow weary in doing good
 for at the proper time we will reap a harvest 
if we do not give up."

My intern partner, James, actually gave me this verse while we were working on Ministry Partnership Development. It stuck with me and I knew I wanted to memorize it the minute he gave it to me. We live  in a generation of instant gratification. Yes, we work hard, but that hard work is always with an expectant attitude. Always waiting for affirmation from others and always setting ambitious goals and dreams we hope to achieve before we are 25. It is great that my generation is very ambitious and goal-driven, but we have to remember that we will reap that harvest all in God's timing.

It's easy to get frustrated when you are doing such a good job and are looking to get recognized for your hard work, but it flies under the radar. But it's in those moments that we must remember to continue on in our good works because God has a perfect plan of how he will use those works to bless us! This verse has just been a good reminder for me to continue on in working towards my goals without expecting a reward instantly. In ministry, just like anything else, it is easy to get bogged down in the numbers. How much money have I raised, how many students are going to large group, how many bible studies do we have, how much are we praying for the campus...but none of that matters if it's not centered around giving the glory to God!

Think about it like this:

"Let us not grow weary (through His strength) in doing good (works for Him) for at the proper time we will reap a harvest (that he has already prepared) if we do not give up."

So, he calls us to persevere in our good works and not give up...and his grace, and mercy, and power, make that possible. No matter what you may be facing or feeling like you want to give up trying to do, remember that the Lord has prepared a plentiful harvest for you!

Let me know if you are memorizing with me, so I can be praying for you :-)

Southern Saving Grace


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