Like Wow

Who remembers the Leslie Carter song, "Like Wow"?? I don't know why, but that is the song I kept thinking of last night after our first Clemson Greek IV Large Group. Here is a terrible video of the 90's pop song: Like Wow . The song is actually about her love for a boy, but it's pretty catchy and can easily get stuck in your head. Anyways, the first Large Group was.....LIKE WOW! We had 116 students show up! Y'all...last year there were only about 30 regular attenders. There were a few weeks where they would have 50 or so students show up, but nothing like this.

On Monday we had the Annual Greek IV Cookout, which also had an awesome turn out! The cookout was in the "quad" on campus, which is where most of the fraternity and sorority housing is located. We had big tents set up and local grocery stores and churches donated in order to make it happen! We had about 250 burgers and 150 hotdogs and we made all the food but about 30 hotdogs. We didn't keep track of how many students stopped by, but judging on Tuesday night I'm sure there were quite a few.

This is my supervisor, Dusty, the grill master!

It worked out well that the cookout was on Monday and then we had large group the next night. We were able to encourage students to come the next night, which I think worked! It is so encouraging to see so many students excited to share their faith and learn about God in an environment that is comfortable for them.

Once all the students come in we usually do an ice breaker to get everyone comfortable and then we highlight one chapter of the week. If there is a chapter ministry leader they will come up and share about what is going on in that chapter. We also had a "Moment of Silence" this week for a few Fraternity & Sorority students that Clemson lost this summer. 

Then, Dusty gave his sermon on being "Greek and Christian". He focused on John Chapter 1 and talked about what it means to be for Jesus 100% but also, 100% Greek. He did an awesome job! After he finished his talk, we had one of the girls on our leadership team, Caroline, come up and share her testimony. She talked about the struggle of coming to school and wanting to be the "party girl" and turning away from God, but then feeling like she had lost herself. She started coming to Greek IV and realized that she needed God and found a way to balance being in her sorority with her faith instead of choosing one or the other. Here are some pictures from the night, it was so crowded that we had some people sitting on the floor -- how awesome right? (Like Wow!)
This is the sign we have at "Senate Chambers", which is where we meet!

Steven and James

Kelly and Steven are the emcees and give all of the announcements and "run" the night

Me with some of the girls who are on leadership

Overall, it was a great first Tuesday night! It is exciting to be a part of a ministry that is changing the lives of college students!

Have you had any "Like Wow" moments recently?!

Southern Saving Grace


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