Flapjacks & Flannels

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

Boy, could there have been a truer scripture of our event last night. It seemed like everything was falling apart left and right, but yet somehow He worked it all together for good. We arrived an hour early to set up the room and had several griddles and supplies for our event, "Flapjacks & Flannels". We were trying to raise money for scholarships to Greek Conference, which is our spring conference for Greek IV. 

After setting up the tables with griddles and running around to find extension cords and mixing spoons, we soon realized that the plugs around the room were shorting out. We had wanted to have everything all ready to go when all of the guys who were cooking arrived. However, they ended up walking into a mess of us running around trying out different plugs in the room with half cooked pancakes on all of the griddles...womp! 

We ended up having to move two tables outside the building to actually cook the pancakes outside. It wasn't ideal, but hey it worked! It was also a bit of a marketing tool because we yelled at everyone walking by to come inside and have some pancakes. 

It's funny how the Lord works sometimes. In our minds things are falling apart, but it's like He knows exactly how to respond in each "freak out" moment we have. His calming presence comes into the situation to say, "That's okay, I'm still here" and that's all that really matters anyways! :)

We ended up having a great time despite the awkwardness of the set up and everyone had fun. The boys made these GIANT pancakes and we had a syrup chugging contest (gross!). Here are some fun pictures of the night:

 You see how they are outside of the building? Successfully making big ole pancakes though! :)

 Dusty's (My trainer) daughter, Reese, with Kelly our President

Me and sweet Lucy! (Dusty's other daughter)

When things don't go according to plan, it's always fun to see the Lord show up and work all things together for good despite the circumstances!

Southern Saving Grace


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