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Tips for traveling with a baby

So, Harrison just turned 8 months old last week and I want to say that we have taken somewhere between 22-24 flights. Think I'm crazy? Well, maybe I am, but it actually hasn't been too bad! I've had several friends ask me what I've done to survive and I figured I may as well write out some tips and tricks in a (somewhat permanent location) to make things easier. I have traveled by myself, with my husband, with my mom, with my needless to say we have been in just about every situation as far as traveling with a baby. I am going to give some basic tips and tricks and then walk you through two scenarios that could work well depending upon your circumstances! Hopefully this information is a blessing to those who are willing to take on the adventure of traveling with an infant. I added some fun pictures along the way as well. :)   Basic tips and tricks: Harrison loves coffee too! 1. My number on tip is to remember that no matter what happens you are t

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